When you compare Microsoft to other stocks, you’ll probably notice that Microsoft is slightly less volatile. This is because it has a lower beta than the market average. Generally, stocks with a beta of one have less volatility than the market. However, the beta of Microsoft is 0.9198, which means it is less volatile than the market average.
msft vs msft
When it comes to MSFT stock comparison, it is important to know how to make sense of the different metrics. These metrics can help you determine whether a stock is a good buy or a bad investment. Fundamental, technical, and sentiment indicators are all relevant in comparing MSFT to other stocks. They can also help you understand a stock’s perceived value.
msft vs ms
While both companies have experienced ups and downs over the years, both have had steady growth. Microsoft’s revenue has grown at a higher rate than Apple’s, and its revenue is more consistent over time. Apple’s growth has been more cyclical, especially in hardware. However, Microsoft is a software company, and its revenue is not affected by increasing energy, transportation, or commodity prices.
msft vs msft vs ms
MSFT has had plenty of growth through its at-home work but its PC and gaming business is struggling. In addition, MSFT’s cloud division is weak and it has a lot of competitors. Still, MSFT has emerged as a safe haven for investors after Apple’s weak sales and problems in China. The cloud business is the company’s future, so investors can expect it to continue doing well in the future.
Both companies are technology giants, with Microsoft having risen in recent years due to its successful pivot to cloud computing. The company was founded in 1975 by Paul Allen and Bill Gates and has since expanded into productivity software, server software, internet services, video games and PC hardware. In 2014, Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella took over and launched the company full-steam into cloud computing.