
The Power is an American crime drama television series created and produced by Courtney A. Kemp in collaboration with Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson. It aired on the Starz network from June 7, 2014, to February 9, 2020. The show is about James “Ghost” St. Patrick (Omari Hardwick), a wealthy New York City nightclub owner who doubles as a drug kingpin to an elite clientele. The cast of The Power has a combined net worth of $500 million. In this blog post, we will explore the individual net costs of the show’s prominent cast members.

The net worth of the power cast

The power cast members’ net worth has been kept relatively tight-lipped over the years. However, thanks to a new report from Forbes, we now have a better idea of how much money the actors who play Ghost, Tommy, Kanan, Angela, Tasha, and LaKeisha are worth.

 According to the report, Omari Hardwick (who plays Ghost) is worth $8 million, Joseph Sikora (who plays Tommy) is worth $5 million, 50 Cent (who plays Kanan) is worth $30 million, Naturi Naughton (who plays Angela) is worth $4 million, Lela Loren (who plays Tasha) is worth $3 million, and LaKeisha Castle-Hughes (who plays LaKeisha) is worth $2 million.

 While these numbers are undoubtedly impressive, it’s important to remember that they are just estimates. The actual net worth of these actors may be higher or lower than what is reported here.

How power cast members made their money

For the most part, the prominent cast members of Power made their money before starring on the show. Omari Hardwick, for example, had a successful career as a model and actor before being cast as Ghost. Similarly, Naturi Naughton was already a well-known actress when she landed the role of Tasha St. Patrick.

 Other cast members, like Joseph Sikora (Tommy Egan) and Lela Loren (Angela Valdes), have worked steadily in Hollywood for years. And while they may not have been A-list stars before Power, they certainly earned a comfortable living.

 Finally, a few cast members are new to the game.50 Cent, for instance, only began acting in recent years. He’s certainly made a lot of money from his music career, but his work on Power has undoubtedly been a significant source of income for him.

 So there you have it! The prominent cast members of Power are all pretty wealthy people, thanks to their careers both inside and outside of the show.

What do they spend their money on

The net worth of power cast members has been revealed, and it’s safe to say they are all doing quite well for themselves. The prominent cast members, Omari Hardwick, Lela Loren, Naturi Naughton, Joseph Sikora, and 50 Cent, all have net worths in the millions.

 So what do these rich and famous people spend their money on? Omari Hardwick likes to keep it simple and invest his money in stocks and bonds. Lela Loren enjoys the finer things in life and often splurges on designer clothes and jewelry. Naturi Naughton is a bit of a homebody and enjoys spending her money on comfortable furniture and home decor. Joseph Sikora is a bit of a daredevil and loves to spend his money on adrenaline-pumping activities like skydiving and rock climbing. And finally, 50 Cent loves to flaunt his wealth and often spends his money on luxurious cars and houses.

 So there you have it! The net worth of power cast members revealed. What do you think they spend their money on?

What life is like after

After the show ended, the cast members went their separate ways. Most of them continued acting, but some of them decided to retire from the industry altogether. The cast members have all experienced different levels of success since the show ended. Some are still very successful and well-known, while others have faded into obscurity.

 Life after the show has varied for the cast members. Most of them have continued with successful careers in acting, but a few have chosen to leave the industry altogether. The net worths of the cast members vary widely, depending on their level of success since the show ended.


As you can see, the net worth of each power cast member varies greatly. From 50 Cent’s staggering $155 million to Naturi Naughton’s more modest $3 million, a wide range of wealth is represented here. It just goes to show that anyone has the potential to become a millionaire if they set their mind to it and work hard. No matter where you are in your financial journey, remember that it is always possible to achieve your goals.